One of the many types of simple and low-cost manufacturing is the production of activated carbon.
It is conditioned by the following:
•firstly, activated carbon is manufactured of cheap  reproducible raw materials – turf, woodwork and agricultural waste including grapevine, fruit stones, flax shove and hemp bun;
•secondly, the equipment for the activated carbon manufacturing is easy to produce, easy to use and therefore it is inexpensive.


•1 – electric motor; 2 – V-belt transmission; 3 – gear; 4 – chain drive; 5 – extruder; 6 – electric heater; 7 – plain bearing; 8 – temperature sensors; 9 – feeder; 10 – mixer; 11 – feed hopper; 12 – chain drive; 13 – electric motor; 14 – gear; 15 – activator; 16 – water filter; 17 – hopper-cooler; 18 – exhaust tube.


Activated carbon is produced by heat treatment of wood raw material followed by activation with oxidants. The technological process consists of several stages, the first of which being  carbonization. During  carbonization heat treatment is carried out, which results in  obtaining the so-called  wood carbon  –  raw carbon.
At the second stage of processing it is subjected to activation to obtain a specific pore structure and improve the adsorption properties.
The process of chemical activation lies in the carbon treatment with salts (carbonates, sulfates, nitrates) that at high temperature emit gas-activator or with acids-oxidants (nitric, sulfuric, phosphoric acid, etc.).
Carbon obtained in this way is called in accordance with the reagent applied (e.g. “zinc-chlorine activation carbon”). Chemical activation is carried out at a temperature of 200-650 ° C.
Steam-gas activation is carried out at a temperature of 800-1000 ° C in specific conditions strictly controlled by technologists (during the realization of this method in particular carbon monoxide is emitted which is dangerous for the health).
Activation by water vapor allows to receive coal with the internal surface area of 1500 square meters to 1 gram of coal.
Active carbon is produced in the form of cylindrical and spherical granules, irregularly shaped grains or fine powder. Fraction size is determined by state standards (DSTU) for different brands of activated carbon.

Non-activated wood carbon

Structure of coal pores  formation

Fine-cut activated carbon

Tableted activated carbon


The main advantage of this production is blank markets: pharmacology (tablets of activated carbon), some branches of chemical industry, industrial or household filters manufacturing (including tapwater filters popular today).
Activated carbon is used even in the tobacco industry as many types of modern cigarettes have charcoal filter. So, in conditions of proper business operation problems with the sale as well as with the production of activated carbon would not occur.


Profitability of production will increase significantly with the use of volatile pyrolysis products. It can be 200-300% of the total profitability of activated carbon production.


Activated carbon is widely applied as an adsorbent that absorbs  steam-gas emissions (for example, when cleaning the air from carbon disulfide CS2), trapping the vapors of volatile solvents to clean water solutions (sugar syrups and alcoholic drinks), drinking water and wastewater, in  gas masks, in vacuum equipment, for creating sorption pumps, in gas-solid chromatography, for blood purification, for absorption of harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract and others.


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