One of the main tasks of primary processing of flax raw materials in modern conditions is to improve the quality of short fiber , which is used not only for textile products by traditional technology , but also for the production of pulp, cotton and staple fiber with specified end quality characteristics.


The purpose of the research is to obtain short flax fibers of improved quality from scutching waste products and low-grade retted straw by the new and improved technology as well as the implementation of theoretical and practical researches of mechanical processing of flax raw materials, that is an actual problem of domestic enterprises in the primary processing of bast fibers .


 1 – body; 2 – outlet; 3 – shive bin; 4 – fiber bin; 5 – separator; 6 – shaft; 7 – external rotating disk; 8 – internal rotating disk; 9 – diffuser loader; 10 – gear pair; 11 – beater rods; 12 – combs; 13 – grate; 14 – rods; 15 – outlet nozzle.


Mechanical processing of low-grade raw materials and scutching wastes  are performed using new and improved mechanical effects in the initial stages of processing. Positive effect is due to the increased intensity of the cleaning process owing to the slipping bending-fracture and the inertial forces generated by the centrifugal force of the plant.
On the basis of this technical solution the experimental  line for cleaning short fibers based on tow scutcher  KPAL using disintegrator instead of its scutching part was designed.
The analysis of experimental results showed that the fiber obtained from lieing too short retted straw and scutching wastes has a high content of trash, which ranged from 23.54 % to 32.48 %, and in accordance with State Standart 9394-76 it should not exceed 20%.
Short fiber obtained from overlying retted straw has the shortest length of 5-10 mm and chaff of 1,25-4,02 %.

Short fiber obtained from overlying retted straw

Short fiber obtained from underlying retted straw


The economic expediency of the proposed technology is caused by the difference of short fiber cost produced by the new and basic technology. Expected annual economic effect of the introduction of new technology will be 450.70 ths. grn. per single-unit plant.
An application of the proposed technology will provide:

-increase in the yield of short fibers by 12-15 % depending on the physico- mechanical characteristics of the raw materials;

-decrease in the cost of short fiber by 10.1% due to increased volumes of marketable products;

-reduction of energy intensity of the proposed technological equipment at 34.45 % ;

-decrease of steel intensity equipment up to 30%.


Construction, automotive, wood-pulp and paper, pharmaceutical industries, spinning production.


The design of improved disintegrator is protected by patents of Ukraine for useful model № 45744 from 25.11.2009 and № 49279 from 26.04.2010. The theoretical results are tested in laboratories of the Institute of Bast Crops UAAS,  Gluhov,  Sumy region ( acts of pilot tests №1 from 28.03.2009 and № 2 from 26.06.2009).

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