While methods of native fibres manufacturing have been existing enough for a long time theoretical bases of fibre technology development with set physical –chemical parameters for producing composites of new types are absent at present. Implementation of developed technology will allow in a new light to establish an assortment policy, to produce new types of goods from domestic ecologically clean, natural raw material that will promote ensuring economic independence of Ukraine in producing unwoven, construction and reinforced composite materials and also will allow to increase employment of agricultural producers and employees of different industry branches. 


Primary objective of research work is developing new resource – saving technology of oil flax stalks deep cleaning and as a result of its implementing fillers for new composite materials with improved physical –mechanical properties will be obtained.




Oil flax fibre obtained according to the developed technology is rich in alpha cellulose and has high wettability index that is a considerable factor for polymer composite forming.
Conducted industrial tests have shown essential opportunity of composite production by reinforced fabric oil flax which can be widely used in chemical, automotive, shipbuilding industries and also for producing building and furniture plates, window framings and building units for farm machinery.

Polymeric composite materials manufactured on the basis of oil flax fiber
  • It is found that the quality of manufactured polymeric materials which was determined according to state standards for appropriate goods is higher greatly than the quality of composite materials with cotton fibre addition.
  • It is significant that the technology of polymeric composite materials manufacturing with using of oil flax fiber doesn’t need extension or  reconstruction of existing technical production basis.


Usage of bast fibers in composite polymeric materials makes them cheaper, production is safer and utilization is easier. Besides, an article containing stalk fibre not a fibreglass is lighter and less brittle.


Economic effectiveness of  using bast fibers for composite materials manufacturing is of great importance. Conducted researches have shown that the cellulose yield out of oil flax fiber is more 80%.
The cost price of semi-manufactured articles containing cellulose manufactured according to the developed technology taking into account cultivation, oil flax processing and fibre wet processing is  2-3 times as low as the cost price of imported cellulose.


•Automotive industry.
•Building industry, flooring terraces, window framings.
•Interior design, furniture production and others.


Industrial tests which have proved effectiveness of fulfilled scientific researches have been conducted  at Subsidiary Enterprise “Plasmas” LLC “Plasmas – Pryluky”, Pryluky, Chernigovska oblast (the act of bulk trials №5 dated from February, 18, 2011) and can be realized at the other cellulose and chemical plants

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