During the last decade in the whole world there is a tendency to increase cultivation areas under oil flax. At present they amounts to 3 million ha. In Canada and India this crop sowing amounts to  1 million ha.  Ukraine is not an exception. So, from 2002 till 2010 the sowing areas of oil flax in our state increased more than by 6 times. In 2002 in Ukraine they were 9,35 thousand ha, and in 2010 they were 60,22 thousand ha.
For the lack of oil flax stems processing technologies this crop’s straw is usually burned. Oil flax in our country is used only for seeds.


The purpose of the research is oil flax fiber production on the basis of the development and implementation of the scientifically grounded innovative technologies of retted stalks preparation and its further deep mechanical processing for fibers production of  different functional application.



An innovative technology of the primary oil flax stems processing, directed toward the fiber production which technological properties allow to use it in different industries is developed. On the basis of comparative researches of morphological, anatomic and chemical structure of oil flax straw stems and long-stalk flax a new technology of retted stalks production from oil flax straw by spreading with the use of the artificial moistening of oil flax straw unlike the existing traditional technology of long-stalk flax production.

Oil flax retted straw

The proposed schemes of technological processes by which in production conditions the fiber of different functional application is produced allow to extend the sphere of practical application of oil  flax in different industries.
With the purpose of determination of the suitability of produced oil flax fibers for making twisted and sanitary- hygienic goods, textile and cellulose materials it is recommended to apply physico-mechanical descriptions of fibers:  shive content, linear density, middle mass length which are proposed  to name  as «criterion indexes of  oil flax fiber suitability for application». These indexes enable to classify fibers for their functional purpose.

Techwares  from oil flax fibers


 In Ukraine the expediency of the mechanical processing of oil flax stems by the innovative technology is economically grounded. As a result of calculation of economic efficiency from the proposed technology introduction in growing oil flax in Ukraine on the area of 60,22 thousand ha, it is determined that the expected profit from processing of retted stalk stems  should be 33,90-55,76 million UAH. Thus, profitability from processing is 52 %, and the term of its cover of expenditures on growing and processing is 1,9 year.


The fiber  produced is suitable for the production of technical textiles, i.e nonwoven materials of various functional purpose, rope products, burlap and mixed yarn with cotton and wool fibers from which textile materials are made.


Developed technologies for retted stalks and oil flax fibers production are used at progressive enterprises of Ukraine: State enterprise with experimental equipment (SEEE) “Askaniiske”, Tavrychanka,  Kakhovskyi district, Kherson region (the act of production test № 1 from 20.10.2008), JSC “LONOKOMBINAT Starosambirskyi” Lviv region (the act of introduction №3 from 10.01.2010) and can be implemented in at other enterprises of flax processing industry.

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